Saturday, April 07, 2012


Ok, so the medications really affect my memory. I already started a wordpress blog it turns out on April 5, 2012, which is really weird as I have no recollection of doing this. It is really strange; that was just a few days ago! Does anyone else have such big time memory issues? This is quite scary as I have no recollection of doing this, and I'm not depressed or manic. Anyway now I have to get into my own blog site and I probably have no idea what password I used as I don't remember doing this! Here's the new url: Wish me luck getting my short term memory back. It's not like I've ever been given electroshock therapy which does make you forget stuff. Oh well.


Blogger Mo said...

Hey Marlena.
It's great to see you posting again. Hope things are going OK for you. Yes I too have had huge memory issues but as you guessed I have had ECT. Wordpress looks much more professional than Blogger but I guess the main thing is the power of the words. You do whatever you think is best. I look forward to following your posts wherever they are.
Best Wishes

4:08 PM  
Blogger Jennifairy's Dreams said...

Hi. I just found your blog. I have enjoyed reading a few entries and plan to read more. I have a blog as welll dealing with my bipolar and other things. I am not sure /how to go about getting readers. this is my blog. if you dont mind would you send people my way?

8:44 PM  

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