we're back!!!
hi again! it's been a long time since elvis and i have posted, all due to my discipline problem and bouts of depression... i stopped exercising, taking my vitamins, posting... it was enough to walk and feed elvis regularly which is never negotiable and keeps me going...
anyway he and i decided i will post at least once a week on sundays, so i hope people will come back to our blog and make comments. thanks for your comments so far; they really mean a lot.
here's what elvis is saying in case it's hard to read:
"hi! yes it's been a very long time since we've posted... a lot of mood swings, a few months of no baby..."
"she almost decided to start wellbutrin again but things are looking up. anyway we are going to post at least every sunday so check in next week to see if we are pregnant! also i need a bath but i'm happy she's procrastinating that. i hate baths and rain..."